
Monday, November 23, 2009
kenapa sukar untuk berubah...
biar gagal sekali,biar salah utk kesekian kali, asal kita mengambil pengajarannya,
dan hari esok akn lebih baik dr hari ini...
kata orang,
walaupun hujan sepnjang hari,pelangi pasti akn muncul lagi
kata orang,
bunga bkn sekuntum,kumbang bkn seekor...
tetapi,kata-kata orang2 ini, tidakkah seperti memanjakan diri kite utk terus leka,seolah2 memberi peluang terus melakukan kesilapan??
gagal hari ini, kenapa masih gagal di keesokan harinya??
hujan hari ini, maka alertla dgn cuaca,bawa payung ke mana2
bunga, kalau kita betul2 menjaga milik kite, pasti xkn disia2kan...
hmm..bile dipikir2 balek,manusia sgt suka menunggu, menunggu bnda2 yg x pasti akn hadir...mungkin itulah titik tolak kenapa kite sukar berubah...terlalu suka menunggu,manja dan lambat bertindak..
hai diri,kapankah kau nk berubah??
terlalu besarkah halangan sehingga kau x mampu berubah??
hebat sgtkah dugaan itu smpai kau terus tnggelam didlmnya?
atau kau sendiri yg ttp mau hanyut dibawa arusnya??
dugaan,hanya diberi bila kita mampu melawannya..
ayam,pasti lawannya ayam..bukanlah gajah atau zirafah
act,dun be a loser to urself
-fight 4 win-
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Life is like a jigsaw puzzle...Every single piece is important n it must be put in the right place to get the perfect picture...Kyou wa, a year ago, i'd put one of the piece in my life 'puzzle' n i'm still putting pieces till now,ashita,next week...or maybe my puzzle will be complete soon??But, what's so special bout that piece is it teach me many things even until now...not everyone got this piece as i'm sure we all have a different picture...
every piece brings different meanings. some piece is bright in colour n some will be dark in colour like black or blue black..whatever the colour is,my puzzle won't be complete without one of them..n it will be dull or i won't get any picture if all of the piece is white or black...the piece that i've mention about, some might think that is the darkest but for me, it turn me to a better person..n i'm so grateful having that piece in my puzzle...
even after a year, i still feel like just yesterday where i got the piece...i remembered in 79:46 where Allah said that life on this world is just like a half of the day, but why still humans live like forever??Hmm,maybe their puzzle is full of bright colours or they even take for granted the dark colours n didn't learn anything from it...
Life is a gift from Allah,
never regret a day in ur life
GOOD DAYS gaves u happiness
BAD DAYS gaves u experience
n both are ESSENTIAL,
dakara, never stop syukur to HIM
Like i said that my puzzle won't be complete without a piece, it also won't fit for any additional piece...same goes to the time left in my life..won't be short for a second n won't be long for a milisecond...i wonder how the pic will be?? is it something that i will be proud or something that i will ashamed or maybe regret?? I can't just hope for the best without trying anything, da ne??
i really luv PUZZLE by sad yet so meaningful that brings to this post..hehe..
sore ja,oyasuminasai^^
Monday, October 5, 2009
the good old days
1st of all, Selamat Hari Raya 2 eberibodi^^ 2 my family,friends and myself...This year is the 20th Aidilfitri that i've celebrated,which means the 20th Ramadhan that i've past...But,i'm still da same...Did i become the better person after my 20th Ramadhan??Or maybe worst??Wakaranai..N i feel sad coz this Ramadhan, i didn't try my best to be the better person..
How am i suppose to say this,umm...people said that Ramadhan is the month to upgrade our ibadah..n we tends to say 'dapat x aku berjumpa dgn ramadhan thn dpn??'.. even when we plan to perform 8rakaat for Terawih,this magical sentence will change the 8 to 20rakaat...The question is did we upgrade our ibadah for Allah or we afraid that we'll maybe wouldn't see the Ramadhan next year??
"Even it's quite hard to complete my daily prays before,it's ok what, i did 20rakaat for Terawih.."I bet, most people will think like this..N what i'm trying to say is Fix our niat n our priority..Which one is important, the wajib or the sunat? For Allah or for the word 'Ramadhan' itself...
This Aidilfitri is the 1st time that my bro celebrated it with us.Normally since he got married,the 1st day of raya,he is at my sis-in-law hometown..This year all my nieces beraya at KL..n my latest niece,baby Awal is sooo kawaii..
N the day before yesterday,there was an 'hari raya' open house for my batch..Happy to see everybody since all of us are not in the same class anymore..Arigatou to all of u for cooking for us..N next also will be another open house at my batchmates house..My home also will having the open house..sadly i can't go bac to Msia...
The hari raya feeling when i was a kid, i can't feel it nowadays...Dunno why, can sumbody answer that??The day will be gone as usual..How i missed my good old days..
My mental emosional will be over this week..I love this module..As i love to know what are people thinking about...N what's hurt for me is although i know what people around me thinking,n i want to change their mindset for their own good, i still doing nothing...It's hard to change a mindset n it's hurt to see things keep repeating the same..How i wish the braveness spirit come into myself...N how can i fulfill my resolution this year..
'It doesn't matter if we do a simple thing, but what is important is we do our best for it and so we'll not regreting it later'
So long,jaa~
Monday, June 8, 2009
Today's lesson
Kyou wa, rain falling non stop..Is the sky crying??Did someone crying??On my way to campus this morning,looking at people around me going to their own destination, suddenly this thought came to me, what do they think right now?? Did they value themselves??Do i value myself??can't figure the answer yet..
Today teach me that being perfect is no good..Nobody is perfect,but is it wrong to go for it??Wakaranai.. Since we live in an imperfect world,try to accept people just like they accept us^^ Then,if everybody are perfect,what's the point we live with each other??Hehe..
Days before, i watch a Japanese movie, Yuuki (courage) Kame-chan is there^^ I was so moved at one scene when he say about how to value even a year,a month, a week, a day, an hour, a minute,a second n a millisecond...Then, how do we value our time n our existence in this world??
Once i said that try to show our feeling n accept others acceptance..For everything that I've done, hontouni sumimasen deshita.. Arigatou for being honest n still, right me when I'm wrong^^
It is okay to slip and fall down even for a seventh times, as long we try to get up for the eight times
So long, ja ne
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
manohara VS gaza
Yesterday,me attending my bday batch..there's many things that i've to learn to know them^^it was a fun didn't regret went there,still there's thing that i personally can't accept...Q&K may is acceptable for others but not for me, since there's no need to do such things..however, me is nobody n nobody is perfect..(so, i'm perfect??hehe..) omedetou to my batchmates^^
that night, my watching a late-night movie..'The boy in a striped pyjamas'..a tragic story,luv it^^n today, friends n me spend our morning at Monas..hap-pi..from there, we went to KLV,this is my 2nd time went we all know, a 17 years old girl named Manohara is sooo femes nowadays,at KLV me watched a conversation between this femes girl with 'the sultan' representative...she's just like Rosalinda^^
if i was indonesian or some malaysian is REALLY being treated like that,i also will mad to those who did it..but,we dun know truth, it's a silly thing bickering like that over the media since u can yell from indo n hear it from Msia.. why dun sitting in a same table n solve it profesionally??
For those who doing nothing but butting others problem, there's much more things to think about...manohara N gaza, which is more important??hedonism N zionism, which one is our priority?? Sometimes, simple things can lead to big, from my lecturer till a taxi driver knows Kelantan..such a great way to promote M'sia..hehe...joudan ne...
Anyway,i had a great day today^^how bout u?? Try to live out our life even it's not..rainbow will come after the rain..(blabbing too much^^) Today,took maaany pics..really luv to take a pic^^
so long,oyasuminasai
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Nikmatilah nikmat...
Setelah 2 thn berkhidmat kpd diri ini,akhirnya sampai masanya pergi..Balek pagi td,tetibe ade bau hangit dlm bilik..Kipas saye pergi buat selamenye..Sdey..Hilangla nikmat dingin saye buat bbrp hari ini...sampai beli kipas baru...
Walaupon kipas yg membuat entry ni di'post'kan..bukanla isu kipas yg nk saye kesahkan..hehe..Sume sure da expert bile sebut pasal nikmat..nikmat hidup,makan,melihat,belajar,iman dan Islam..Tapi,selama ini,seberapa kerap kite bersyukur atas nikmatNya dan apakah kita menggunakan nikmatNya dgn sepatutnya???
'...dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah,nescaya kamu x mampu menghitungnya...'(14:34)
X perlula kita mengira brape byk nikmat yg kita ada^^cukupla sekadar menghargai,mensyukuri dan menggunakan nikmat yg dikurniakan dgn betul...
Menghargai nikmat lidah,semoga diri ini mampu bertahan dari berkata yg x berfaedah kpd diri n org laen...
'...maka berkatalah yang baik atau diamlah.” (HR.Bukhari dan Muslim)
Sore ja,oyasuminasai~
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Konbanwa...genki da ne??
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." ~ Victor Hugo
When it's cold outside
I don't know who I should believe
And when I needed someone special just by my side
Who was there?
When I'm feeling old
When it's rain outside
I don't know who is holding me
And when I need a little kind and tender moment
Who's with me?
When I'm lost inside
When I'm down and out
I don't know who I should recall
And when I needed someone precious
just be my side
No one there no one was there
i luv this song^^...people is a lonely creature n always looking for shelter..
But,sometimes..they tend to forget to treasure things around them untill it lost from their sight...
I don't know others mind..N they won't know what's on my mind..learn to show it n accept their acceptance..
so long,ja ne~
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Changing myself
tomorrow i'll be going to take my last module xm...then,welcome a new module..finishing it,welcome the next life will keep repeating like that on and on..since i was a little,i've always thinking about stuff like that..till when that i'm going to wear my school uniform...walking the same road each day to school...meeting the same people..n etc..Now,it still repeating like that..
Chatting with senior at my home that now in a clinical,they said be grateful now coz i still have time to waste( writing this post), a time sitting in class,hearing a lecture, n happily sleeping when i'm tired..things wouldn't be the same when i become a doctor someday...but, once again i realize,it WILL be the same.. i'll go to work,dealing with people and come bac home using the same road's ironic,deshou??
Thinking like really tiring..hehe..maybe that's why Allah give me a brain to think my life purpose..a feeling so i'll treasure it..sad,happy,tension,patient,regret n grateful..that's why He give me my parents,friends,enemies n stranger so i wouldn't be alone... I will face those everyday until i gone..N that's why i feel that i've to change myself...
To be a better me
There's a thing that i've to change
Dun want to be like that anymore
Hate to be like that anymore
Things couldn't be like that anymore
"dan sesungguhnya,yang kemudian itu lebih baik bagimu daripada yang permulaan"(93:4)
Fight for win,fight for pulmo^^Ganbare!!!!
go bac to study..
till then,ja ne~
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Semalam yg hangat...
Today, nadiah,wani n me went to Siloam visiting Cik's getting sick nowadays..first e-ja,then tweet n now boogie..The amount of moesquitoes flying around me in my bedroom also is increasing these days..I'm worry about that..Dakara, take a good care of urself in this fever mansoon^^ To boogie,semoge cpat sembuh^^
Semalam yg hangat....Yesterday, my usrah having a BBQ on the top my kosan's roof^^hehe..I wonder how others knew n they keep teasing me didn't invited them...Gomen ne minna...Without realize, years pass by n our Kizuna is getting stronger day by day... We exchanging presents n me got..dunno how to describe it but suki desu..Everybody's working hard to make yesterday dinner success..
First time i joining usrah,i memorize none of my usrahmates..Dunno when my usrah now was created, i still dun take a note of them. The only one that i can remember bac then is only Nadiah..Time flies n we do many things together. Slowly,the kizuna gotten stronger n me guess yesterday is the most special moment in our usrah's diary^^Getting to know people really takes time..It depends to us to work on it or not..N me still working on it n the more important is to maintain the kizuna.. We dunno know future, just hope for the best for now n tomorrow..
"Selemah-lemah manusia itu ialah mereka yang tidak boleh mencari sahabat dan manusia yang lebih lemah dari itu ialah mereka yang mensia-siakan sahabat yang dicari" (Saidina Ali)
Till then, ja ne~
Friday, April 17, 2009
dextra sinistra
You Are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
till then,ja ne~
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Things happen 4 a reason
Capek de minggu ni...Alhamdullilah da abes modul KV..Sayonara dr. Adrianus..hehe..bbrapa ari lalu, me n my usrahmates g Monas..buke pose n wat usrah skali kt ctu..This is my first time going there...Sgt bes mkn kt ctu..cuaca pon baek..Nak balek pon senang bersepah nk amek kitorg^^

Ni gmba time tgh tunggu Kak mila ng yg len..'Photographer profesional' yg amekkn(saye la tu)^^Mlm tu bg kultum psl Nailah Al-farafishah..Moralnye dr kesah tu adalah cobalah utk setia dan sentiasa la skodeng diri kite...'People are watching u'..Timah gle mantap bg tafsir Al-Alaq..Beta berbangga sama kamu^^hehe..pastu ari apetah, saye pula berkongsi surah An-Nashr...yg bermaksud 'pertolongan'
"apabila telah datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan, dan kau melihat berbondong-bondong manusia masuk agama Allah, maka bertasbihlah dgn memuji tuhanmu dan mohonla ampun kepadanya, sesungguhnya dia maha penerima taubat" (110:1-3)
Kelmarin, saye diberitahu oleh cik Ruz yg saye diamanahkan utk wat satu program ni.. Makanya, pas xm smalam kitorg pon kumpul talking2 psl bnde tu.. N mlmnye mulala pelaksanaan misi kami...Tgh2 jln tu, kami dikejotkan dgn berite suam2 kuku dr kak *** n plan pon tepakse diubah...N pagi td pon gerakla ke tpt yg dimaksudkan tersebut.. Serius..saye x menjangkakan ape yg bakal terjadi..No one knows future,right?? Walaupon begitu, askar2 yg saye kerah(jgn mara..) amatla bersemangat jitu.. Beta bangga sama kamu lg^^ Keadaan yg x seperti dijangka tu membuatkan kami berpikir dan melaksanakan plan baru yg juga kami x jangkakan..
Bile dipiki2 balek..Byk ibrah yg saye dpt dr ape yg terjd arini..Mungkin ade silap kami juge coz x reconfirm ttg target n tpt yg kami pegi..Naseb baek planning yg kami rancang di awalnye kami tuka di saat2 akhir sblm dpt tau bnde ni akan terjadi..Nak kata kami rugi,x juga sebenanye sbb yg dtg kpd kami tu bukan milik kami, dan ke mana hasilnye pergi juga bkn hak kami..Cuma nk melihat bgaimana kami memanfaatkan nikmat yg diberi dan sejauh mana kita berusaha untukNya...Bukan selalu anak2 dan pengamen kt Indonesia ni dpt rase air tgn ***-*..hehe..
Hari ni juga mengajar saye ttg maksud 'pertolongan'.. Mungkin kami terlalu menaruh harapan kpd manusia dan terkadang lupa akanNya..Dan benarla..tanpa pertolonganNya, betapa berusaha kita pon,xde maknenye...Kepada yg x berjaya..coba lg^^Perjalanan balek td smooth n steady je..kua pintu je tros dpt bas dgn hrge duet taxi g balek...
In charge bnde2 yg mengaitkan ramai org ni mmg mencabar..kt cni la teruji sejauh mane kite meletakkan kepentingan, kesabaran n effort kite utk satu tujuan..arigatou minna!!bes dpt keje ngan kome sume..Sorry kalo saye ade wat korg x puas ati ke..g beli biskut memlm bute ke..dan yg sewaktu dgnnya..saye hanye insan yg lemah..hehe..Pengalaman sehari-hari kita byk mengajar..jika kita 'melihat'...
"Jgn terlalu meletak sesuatu tu dlm hati,takut bila yg terjadi x seperti yg diingini,kecewa x bertepi"(byk dgr lagu2 rock kapak zaman dulu..)
Allah is da best planner
Sore ja, ja ne~
p/s: Bhn2 lebeh tu kite wat kek batik lg e..ade org da offer diri nk wat^^ Welcome Pulmo^0^
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
dear Izati~
Selamat tengah ari sume...Minna genki??Dlm dmm xm KV yg bakal berakhir x lame lg, terase nk postkn entry ni kpd sahabat yg da lame menge'tag' saye.. Kesian die.. Maafla ye.. Jarang bebeno buke blog ni..
Hmm..disbbkan saye agak keberatan utk mengulang post ttg tag-mengetag ni, saye memutuskan utk jawab soalan num 2 je..hehe..Gomen ne..
2. Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda.
Name die Siti Norizati bt Abd. Khalik.. Anak sulung dr beberape org adek beradek(lupe la) yg berasal dr Johor...
*Disbbkan BM saye yg tah pape,i'll write in English bac..I myself can't accept my broken BM..
She is...
She's among my first tomodachi in Indonesia..Celebrating Epi's bday is among my first memory wit her..Booking flight ticket together, person that teach me organizing this blog..Billabong owner..She just like my sis here..Looking tough on the outside,wonder how in the inside??hehe.. Mature person..Moody also..Inspired people through her blog..She is a great friend..Hontoni dai suki^^
My wish to her...
I hope all ur wish will be granted.. Be a good muslim, a good da'ie, a good friend, a good murabbi, a good daughter, a good sis n a good wife^^ Stand still in this way..Try to accept others good n bads.. World is not spinning around us..I'm sorry for everything..Still, right me when i'm wrong^^
Do u satisfied, zati bus??Now,my head start spinning..hehe.. Try to tag me bac ne??
Lastly, as my murabbi said," a person that looking for perfectness in their friend, she wouldn't have a friend" undoubtly, nobody is perfect...
Till then, ja ne~
Sunday, March 22, 2009
hana n fairuz..
This post is dedicated especially to kei-chan n fairuz.. Arigato for tagging me.hehe.. Sorry 4 being late..
1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” untuk diletakkan di blog anda

She is the first person i met even before coming to Indonesia.. We sit together in bus to BTN, being a roommate there n now is my housemate... My friend at a class, coping seat together, eat bubur, went to steak n shake together n giving me my P-chan^^ Arigato ne k-chan!!!
I don't know how our friendship started.. hehe.. Gomen ne.. She is a hap-pi go lucky person. I can do things i won't do to others wit her.. My lunch-partner.. Gomen if i'd hurt u dat day.. U'll still my lunch partner^^ N now, being my usrahmate.. Ganbatte wit ur Hero!!
3. 10 things about myself
1. i'm a simple person, love to smile..well, everybody luv happiness,ne??
2. nippon wa saiko!! ryo-chan suki da yo^^
3. everybody keep saying that i'm manje..even since i'm form 1 till now.. the truth is I'M NOT!! Maybe becoz of my voice, it's hard to change it.. N i'll feel that it's not myself if i try 2 change
4. maybe i'm secretive??
5. i'll treasure people around me, hope so...
6. 6 among 7 siblings n having 4 nieces...kawaii!!!
7. Luv number 7 n everything about 7
8. i luuuv my keyboard^^ gift from my sis
9. unable to change things
10. still searching...
5. And my award goes to.....
1. myself^^
2. hana
3. fairuz
4. anyone that reading this
5. anyone that feel want 2 do this^^
something to write for my answer for yesterday.. i found it 2day...
Between things that we called grey
Between things that unable to be define
It's up to us to find the answer
Looking a reason to be happy, n u'll find it
Looking a reason to be unhappy, n u'll find it
U'll find wat u'll looking for...
I got this answer straight from HIM today, from my both usrah... Alhamdullilah.. Hontoni arigato!!
Ganbatte ne^^
Till then, ja ne
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Since my previous post, i'm really lost....Along these month, i had celebrated my 20th years old..OTANJOUBI OMEDETO Kamila-chan^^ Then, i'm having my short sem,went bac to Msia, having my new baby, n now sitting in my new arranged bedroom writing this post.. Maa maa, minna-san, genki da ne??
Syukran to Allah coz i'm still alive till now.. My health condition is getting better. It's just i'm starting feel there's no need to fly bac every 2 months for the follow up. N there's still 6 months to go..The medicine can be found here but still, now i'm in dilemma!! Sometimes, things is not as easy as we think it is..
My study also is getting better.. It is improving but still hard to satisfied everything..N having the cardiovascular module, i'm quite depressing these days.. Wat should i do?? Feeling so tired these days, having eyes n heart fatigue.. always yawning in class n sleeping at home..wat happen to me?? Symptoms of aging??
To hana n fairuz, i'll try to post the entry as soon as possible ne?? Maybe 2morrow or the day after 2morrow or .....
Something from me
Between right n wrong
There's a thing that we'll unable to define it
Between black n white
There's a thing we called grey
Laughing on the outside
Doesn't mean smiling in the inside
Might be strong from the others eyes
Maybe helpless deep in the heart
Life is not as easy as we think it is..
On my holiday, i'm composing my own piece of music..The title is 'first time'..hehe..just for fun..N i'm really love the music..
Till then, oyasuminasai..
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pernah x korang rase bile xnak sesuatu tu,ade je bende tu... Tp bile kite cari2 die, tetibe je hilang dr pandangan mata kasar ni...
Sebenarnye, kejadian itula yg telah saye alami menyebabkan saye menge'post'kan entry kali ni... Hehe..Penat cari bende tu merata2 tp x jumpe2 gak... Da la,biar bnde tu kua sndiri nnt...Pastu, time tgh selak2 Al-Quran td, terjumpe satu ayat ni, surah An-Nisa': 61-64.. ayat ni mengisahkan pasal org munafik..dalam ayat ke 64 tu
"Dan sekiranya mereka(org munafik) setelah menzalimi dirinya datang kepadamu(Muhammad), lalu memohon ampunan kepada Allah, dan rasul pun memohon ampunan untuk mereka, nescaya mereka mendapati Allah Maha penerima taubat, Maha penyayang"(4:64)
Dan kite sendri tahu bagaimane sifat orang2 munafik ni, bila mereka senang,mereka menafikan kebenaran Rasulullah.Tetapi,apabila ditimpa musibah, baru mereka mencari Allah.. Saye cuba mengaitkan dengan kesah kehilangan saye td.. Bila adanya sesuatu di depan mata kite n kite sedar kewujudannya, kita x pernah memperdulikan benda tu.. tapi, bile kite memerlukannya dan dia hilang dr kita...Rase2nye ape yg kita lakukan???
Satu yg berbeza di cni, benda yg hilang tu x semestinya kita akan jumpe kembali...Tetapi, keampunan Allah itu sentiasa ada untuk hambanya yg benar2 bertaubat dan kembali padaNya...
Semoge kite menjadi hambaNya yg sentiasa beringat2...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Sumting 2 say...
I just went bac from timah's home... sleepy right now but still me want to write sumting.. Today me feel hap-pi coz me had doing sumting that me don't do it for a long time... Arigatou to all my usrahmates 4 all da things u said.. I've never done that since i was in form 3.. It's a pleasure 2 do it wit u all^^
Too sleepy to write.. Just be4 that, dun forget to review all the things we've done along this day. Is it making us near or far from HIM???
"Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia di dalam kerugian. kecuali orang2 yg beriman dan beramal soleh, yang berpesan2 dgn kebenaran dan berpesan2 dgn kesabaran"(103:1-3)
Undoubtly, human are forgetful.. dakara, always remind each other n review ourself in everything we do^^ Muhasabah la diri kite sblm tdo...
till then,oyasuminasai...
Friday, January 30, 2009
ohayou minna...
2day me spending time didn't studying but updating my blog... ape nk jd ni???
Just a few days ago, me getting some pics from my sis about Palestine n yesterday i went to a talk by one Palestinian at my campus.. sincerely, it's hard to understand English other than Malaysian one.. I really focus to that uncle (hehe..) that i never been so focus like that in class.. Overall, i get the message.. N 2day, i make a video as a tribute to Palestine.. I dun know why but i really want to do it.. it may lacking here n there but i able to finish it.. Me really want to post it here but dun know how.. Later when i know how to, i'll do it..
About Palestine, me didn't feel symphathy much but more empathy. Just like the uncle said, they found the shortcut to heaven... What i really sympathy today is the people around me.. precisely, not sympathy but worry.. My family, my friend n my country.. will we be able to protect malaysia, family n friends if those yahudi attacking our home?? Looking at teenagers nowadays that much prefer lepaking at shopping complexs, spending new year with alchohol n so on(even they are Malay), i dun think so.. u can see those at KL.. I myself doubt about me.. Will we be able to be like Palestinian?? Me guess it's like the sky n the earth..
My sis said that her ustaz said that yahudi will even go attacking kristian or buddha after Islam. Senang citer, diorg pikir diorg je la yg betol... Just like my previous post, they r the right example for 'manusia yg susah nk bersyukur' n even worse, never want to bersyukur... But, always hold to Allah promises that they wouldn't succeed even they now planning various things to destroy Islam...
This evening, me having plan with my usrahmates..getting some food for our ruh.. There's many things that i have to change in myself.. Dakara, gambarimasu yo!!! Don't lose to urself!!!
N me notice that my broken Malay is worse than my broken English^-^ wonder what language i'll use later..
till then, ja ne~
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hitler,mungkin ada benarnya..
I just get this from my sis,
Disiarkan pada Jan 18, 2009 dalam kategori Tamadun
Ketika saya menulis rencana ini (pada Hari Sabtu) saya sedang berada di Osnabruck, Jerman. Pada Hari Jumaat semalam saya memberikan ceramah ringkas di sebuah masjid di sini yang diberi nama Masjid Ibrahim. Kebanyakan ahli jemaahnya merupakan orang Arab.
Saya berucap dalam bahasa arab mengenai isu semasa umat Islam sekarang khususnya Palestin. Imamnya yang berasal dari Syria berkhutbah dengan berani dan bersemangat tentang isu Gaza. Bahkan beliau berkempen agar ahli jamaahnya menyertai demonstrasi aman membantah kekejaman yang dilakukan terhadap rakyat Palestin.
Saya melihat satu keperluan apa yang beliau kempenkan, sebab di Berlin telah dibuat demonstrasi besar menyokong tindakan Israel. Malanglah jika ada masjid di Malaysia yang tidak berani mengutuk Israel. Hari ini (Ahad) saya bercadang hendak ke Berlin untuk berjumpa dengan beberapa pihak.
Ini adalah kali pertama saya sampai ke Jerman. Semasa kecil apa yang saya tahu mengenai Jerman iaitu tenteranya di pihak yang jahat berperang melawan hero-hero Amerika. Ini semua adalah pengaruh filem ‘Combat’ semasa zaman tersebut.
Oleh kerana Amerika yang menerbitkan siri ‘Combat’ tersebut, maka digambarkan merekalah di pihak yang benar dan Jerman di pihak yang jahat. Alasan kejahatan tidak diketahui melainkan kerana hero yang ditabalkan berada di pihak tentera Amerika.
Demikianlah cara sesebuah filem mempengaruhi minda manusia, terutama kanak-kanak. Apabila masuk ke sekolah menengah serta terdedah kepada bahan bacaan yang berbagai, nama Adolf Hitler dan puak ‘Nazi’nya agak sinonim dengan Jerman di lintasan minda setiap kali perkataan Jerman itu disebut. Selain itu, tidak banyak maklumat tambahan tentang Jerman yang saya baca.
Sebelum saya sampai ke Jerman, seminggu lepas saya menghabiskan buku yang ditulis oleh Seymour Rossel yang bertajuk The Holocaust. Sebagai Yahudi, beliau memang membela Yahudi dan mengutuk Hitler habis-habisan. Beliau mengutip maklumat daripada Encyclopedia Judia mendakwa bahawa Nazi telah membunuh sebanyak 5,820,960 Yahudi terutama Yahudi Poland dan Rusia.
Saya tidak pasti sejauh manakah benar angka tersebut. Tapi yang pasti memang Hitler ialah seorang diktator yang sangat kejam. Membunuh dengan zalimnya bukan sahaja Yahudi, tetapi juga sesiapa sahaja yang menentangnya. Cara pembunuhannya juga begitu sistematik bagaikan kilang perusahaan yang teratur. Kekejaman itu tidak dapat diterima oleh sesiapa pun. Di Jerman sehingga hari ini kekejaman itu dikutuk oleh rakyat negaranya.
Namun, di samping kekejaman yang disandarkan kepada Adolf Hitler, persoalan yang patut ditanya, mengapakah kempen Adolf Hitler bahawa Yahudi adalah bangsa yang bahaya, telah merosak dan mengancam Jerman, mendapat sambutan ketika itu?
Ketika Hitler baru cuba muncul dalam politik Jerman pada tahun 1919, walaupun beliau seorang pemidato yang baik, beliau belum terkenal dan hanya beberapa orang sahaja yang hadir mendengar ucapannya. Namun selepas itu, apabila beliau membangkitkan dalam ucapan-ucapannya isu anti-semitic atau anti Yahudi, rakyat Jerman mula membanjiri ucapannya dan menyokong gerakannya membenci Yahudi.
Apabila Hitler dipenjarakan pada tahun 1923 selama sembilan bulan, beliau menulis bukunya yang terkenal Mein Kampf. Sejak awal penulisan buku tersebut, Hitler menegaskan bahawa penderitaan ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Jerman yang ketika itu adalah berpunca dari kejahatan Yahudi. Perasaan kebencian terhadap Yahudi dihidupkan dalam buku tersebut.
Sebenarnya, Hitler bukanlah orang memulakan kepercayaan bahawa Yahudi adalah bangsa perosak. Pada 1542, pemimpin agung Prostestan Jerman, Martin Luther telah menulis tentang pembohongan dan kemerbahayaan Yahudi dalam bukunya Against The Jews And Their Lies. Pada kurun yang ke-14, Sepanyol dan Portugal memaksa masyarakat Yahudi hidup secara terpisah dari bukan Yahudi.
Pada 1516, di Venice, Itali, pihak Gereja Katholik memerintah agar dibina tembok mengelilingi penempatan Yahudi yang dinamakan dengan Ghetto. Yahudi tidak benarkan keluar pada waktu malam sehingga menjelang fajar. Masyarakat awam Kristian ketika itu percaya bahawa Yahudi adalah bangsa yang jahat dan beramal dengan ilmu hitam.
Pembinaan ghetto kemudiannya telah berkembang ke seluruh Eropah. Maka Yahudi Eropah dikepung disebalik tembok ghetto, atau pekan-pekan khas hanya untuk mereka. Mengapakah masyarakat Eropah ketika itu bersepakat mempercayai Yahudi adalah kaum yang jahat? Jawapannya, samada kepercayaan itu adalah khurafat, atau mereka mempunyai asas pengalaman dengan Bangsa Yahudi. Jikalau jawapannya yang pertama, Yahudi adalah memang bangsa yang teraniaya.
Jika jawapannya, Yahudi memang dalam sejarahnya telah merosakkan kehidupan manusia sehingga menjadi ketakutan kepada masyarakat Eropah, tindakan kejam atau rakus Adolf Hitler, sekalipun kejam dan tidak dapat diterima, namun ia secara tidak langsung mengurangkan jumlah kemerbahayaan Yahudi kepada masyarakat Eropah khususnya dan dunia amnya.
Apapun ceritanya, kesangsian pihak pihak Gereja Kristian telah lama berakar umbi, sehinggalah Yahudi kembali menipu Eropah pada hari ini. Lalu undang-undang Anti-Semitic dikuatkuasakan di Eropah, maka bangsa Yahudi mendapat kekebalannya di sini, terutama di Jerman ini.
Jika lihat dalam sejarah Islam, di samping menyedari tentang tabiat Yahudi, namun Islam tidak pernah menghukum mereka hanya kerana mereka Yahudi, tetapi menghukum berdasarkan tindakan mereka. Nabi s.a.w pernah mengizinkan mereka terus menetap di Khaibar yang subur. Namun mereka khianat, merancang dengan pihak musuh untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Nabi s.a.w. Maka mereka pun diusir.
Pada zaman Khalifah ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, beliau telah memberikan kepada Yahudi penempatan dan keamanan di Alia, Palestin. Kebebasan beragama dan hidup diberikan dengan jelas serta termaktub dalam pengistiharan khalifah agung tersebut. Namun, seperti biasa, Yahudi terus khianat.
Sejarah pengkhianatan Yahudi bukan bermula sejak kemunculan pemikiran zionisme, tetapi sejak lama dahulu. Sejak kisah mereka dengan para nabi yang mengalami berbagai tragedi disebabkan kerenah mereka. Pun begitu, Islam tidaklah pula menghukum secara ‘borong’ dengan menyatakan setiap individu yahudi itu jahat.
Bahkan dalam sirah Nabi s.a.w, isteri baginda Safiyyah binti Huyyai merupakan anak ketua Kabilah Yahudi Bani Quraizah. Ada sahabah yang mulia bernama ‘Abd Allah bin Salam. Beliau seorang yahudi, bahkan tokoh agamawan besar Yahudi. Beliau menganut Islam dan amat dihormati. Islam amat adil dalam menilai, tidak ditanggung dosa orang lain atas bahu orang lain.
Maka walaupun secara umumnya, rekod Yahudi memanglah buruk, namun ini tidak menafikan kemungkinan adanya mereka yang baik di kalangan Yahudi. Tetapi rekod Yahudi secara umum, memanglah buruk.
Ini diakui oleh Abd Allah bin Salam sendiri ketika beliau menganut Islam. Katanya:
“Wahai Rasulullah! Kaum Yahudi adalah puak yang paling kuat berdusta. Mereka jika tahu aku menganut Islam mereka akan menuduhku bukan-bukan. Sembunyikanlah aku di sisi engkau dan hantarlah orang bertanya pendapat mereka mengenaiku”. Maka Rasulullah pun menyembunyikannya dan menghantar orang memanggil golongan Yahudi lalu mereka pun datang. Rasulullah s.a.w bertanya mereka: “Apakah kedudukan Abdullah bin Salam pada pandangan kamu?” Jawab mereka: “Dia orang yang terbaik di kalangan kami, anak orang terbaik. Pemimpin kami, anak pemimpin kami. Ulama kami, anak ulama kami”. Sabda Rasulullah: “Apakah jika dia menganut Islam, kamu akan turut menganut Islam?”. Jawab mereka: “Allah lindunginya dari perkara tersebut”. Sabda Rasulullah: “Wahai Abdulullah bin Salam, keluar dan beritahulah kepada mereka”. Abdullah bin Salam pun keluar dan berkata: “Aku menyaksikan bahawa tiada ilah melainkan Allah dan Muhammad Rasulullah”. Lantas mereka berkata: “Dia orang yang paling jahat di kalangan kami, anak orang yang paling jahat. Orang yang paling jahil di kalangan kami dan anak orang paling jahil”. Kata Abdullah bin Salam: “Aku telah beritahu wahai Rasulullah! Bahawa Yahudi adalah kaum yang kuat berdusta”. (Riwayat Ahmad dan al-Bukhari).
Kita bukan anti kaum tertentu, atau anti-semitic secara membabi buta seperti Hitler atau masyarakat Eropah dahulu. Namun jika kita melihat Yahudi Israel hari ini mengkhianati perjanjian atau bersikap jahat, itu bukanlah perkara baru dan pelik untuk mereka kerjakan. Kepercayaan Hitler itu, mungkin ada benarnya.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
kisah sedey ...
konbanchiwa!!!genki da ne??
Hehe.. Arini nak ckp bahasa kebangsaan lak.. Actually, smalam baru sampai dr Msia setelah becuti ujung minggu kt umah.. X sempat wat byk bnde pon kt umah..sampai pon dlm kol 2am.. pastu dlm kol 7am, saye dikejutkan dgn berite dpt anak buah baru^0^ x bg lg.. smoge sehat hendaknye die....
Pastu kol 11 ade apointment ng doktor kt IPR, so gerak la kol 10.. mane tau tetibe jem(a.k.a macet)... make lambatla smpai..teros kene lecture ng nurse kt sane..cesces... bnde nk jadi,kn??? doktor lak g meeting,so tukar dokte len.. pastu tunggu lg smpai ptg.. Dgn bahagienye dokte tu aspirated bghn supraclavicular saye utk dibawe ke lab..dah la nak cucuk 2 kali, seb baek x jadi...skang da masuk maintainence phase.. Overall,it's getting better.. Alhamdullillah..
Mase di rumah sabtu n ahad diabeskan ngan menolong mak membuat garaj..klaka tol..tetibe dpt tau ade sarang lebah kt tpt tu,n mak bercite2 nak ternak lebah...alangkah malangnye bile lebah tu dilepaskan tuk carik mkn (lebah mkn waktu tgh ari), lebah x balek2 menjelang waktu ptg tu.. sdey tol.. yg lebeh sdey bile sarang die mak amek dan madu die diperah dan saye menjadi mangse mak utk merase madu lebah tu!!!!!Pity me!! Mlm tu tros sakit prot... Pisang berbuah 2 kali...Dulu da penah kene skali... Hukhuk..
Sabtu mlm tu time tgh mkn ng akak2, my eldest sis 'sound' la adik saye sbb x abes mkn. Katenye 'org kt Somalia tu amek tnh liat tau jd mknn..Besyukurla ckit..'. Pastu bile die tes tau fu fa, die kate "eh,tau fu fa ni x sedapla'.. Maka, dgn spontannye kitorg bg balek kt die 'bersyukurla ckit, org kt somalia tu x tau pon wujudnye tau fu fa' hehehe... Moralnye di cni, bersyukurla dgn ape yg kite ade.. Sememangnye manusia makhluk yg susah nk bersyukur..Pastu, kitorg pon cite psl berite dunia esp. isu Palestin smpai mknn adek saye abes... X sangke mrk lg arif dr saye dlm bab2 ni...
ari Senin da kene balek.. sdey je... Yg lg sdey saye terlepas flight...da talk bek2 pon diorg x kasi even ade lg stgh jam... tmbh menyedehkan lg tmbang the next flight tu amatla 'menyedehkan'... dah la kol 650pm.. menapakla kitorg jap kt LCCT tu.. nmpaknye airasia sdng meng'up grade'kan service diorg.. tu la,sape suh lmbt lg..
time nk balek tu,terdgr la tv ckp, kes denggi kt Msia da naek kpd 4000+ kes n negara dah isytihar nyamok n virus tu musuh num 1 negara.. Klaka kn kalo pikir2 balek manusia yg sebeso alam ni n negara semakmur Msia leh takut kt nyamok n virus yg keciknye x ingt tuh... Tapi, tu la kebesaran Allah... N bile saye piki2 napela ade sume bnde2 kecik yg bawak penyakit ni time modul TI dulu, jawapan yg saye dpt.....Nak buat penyebab je tuk kematian kite ni... Mati secare nekrosis...Nk tunggu sume meninggal secare apoptosis, lama lg la....
Baekla.. sekian saja kesah sedey saye arini... Tp,ingt la spt dlm Al-Insyirah,'setiap kesusahan ade kesenangan'
Till then, ja ne~
Sunday, January 18, 2009
You Are Smart and Curious |
![]() You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. |
i dun know either want to believe it or not,coz i guess it give me the meaning based on every word in my name.. so, u'll get the same if ur name have 'a' or 'k'.. but i hope whoever i am, tomorrow will be better than today.. TEPPEN mezase^0^
till then,ja~
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Is this who I am??
Things me learned 2day bout myself,me guess??
Global Personality Test Results
Stability | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Orderliness | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% |
Extraversion | |||||||||||| | 43% |
Global Personality Test Results |
Stability (50%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive. Orderliness (76%) high which suggests you are overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun. Extraversion (43%) moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive. |
personality tests by
Actually, me dun know all but, one thing for sure me REALLY dun like to stand out!!! Just like today.... Pity me...hukhuk...
Everybody, make sure getting a good meals ne??
Till then,ja~
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
1 month 13 days
Konbanchiwa minna!!!
it's been a while since my last post ne?? N after a month n 13 days,alhamdulillah i'm still alive.. there's so many things happened along those time. N now, me in the mood to write them here.. just fasten ur sitbelt...
1. New rules in M'sia... The 3rd passenger must wearing sitbelt at da's compulsary to all cars n the old one must having the 3rd sitbelt also soon as possible..
2. Me had went bac to msia n now in Indonesia n soon to be in Msia bac...hohoho.. so hap-pi!!hope that my e-rap will be ready soon..
3. Celebrating my mom bday coz last in 2008 me couldn't.. it's on january 1st n we eating new brand of cake(since it's not secret recipe this year) called Splendid.. seriously, at first me tought it's SR looking at their boxes n so on. the cake quite delicious n cheaper than SR.. OISHII!!
By tha way,SR is originated by Malaysian u know n Senayan City is the only place in Indonesia that u can find it(according to my sis)..Quite proud to be Malaysian ne??
4. Love is in the air.. someone engaging n me so hap-pi that day holding video-cam everywhere i go...My bro can be really dumb sometimes..wish to have ryo-chan soon(baka me^-^)
5. Playing around with my sis n my nephews... playing games called Takedown, Fatal Frame n Ben10... Me really suggest u'll to play Takedown when u really down coz it's REALLY cool n me really luv it!! What a langha(is this right??) things i've done??
6. spending my sis money.. this is the best part when i just buy without pay for it..huhu..Onee-chan, kimi wa saiko desu^0^ Arigatou!!
N now, my usrah just welcomed new usrahmate!! Well, she's not new to me...hehe.. Anyway, welcome to da club n hopefully u'll find what u looking for. Treat me kindly n right me when i'm wrong ne??
Lastly, akemashite omedetou!!!!! Hijrah n masihi.... Me hope everybody will fulfill ur resolutions this year.. Me also will ganbatte^0^
So long, ja~
akemashite omedetou= happy new year