1st of all, Selamat Hari Raya 2 eberibodi^^ 2 my family,friends and myself...This year is the 20th Aidilfitri that i've celebrated,which means the 20th Ramadhan that i've past...But,i'm still da same...Did i become the better person after my 20th Ramadhan??Or maybe worst??Wakaranai..N i feel sad coz this Ramadhan, i didn't try my best to be the better person..
How am i suppose to say this,umm...people said that Ramadhan is the month to upgrade our ibadah..n we tends to say 'dapat x aku berjumpa dgn ramadhan thn dpn??'.. even when we plan to perform 8rakaat for Terawih,this magical sentence will change the 8 to 20rakaat...The question is did we upgrade our ibadah for Allah or we afraid that we'll maybe wouldn't see the Ramadhan next year??
"Even it's quite hard to complete my daily prays before,it's ok what, i did 20rakaat for Terawih.."I bet, most people will think like this..N what i'm trying to say is Fix our niat n our priority..Which one is important, the wajib or the sunat? For Allah or for the word 'Ramadhan' itself...
This Aidilfitri is the 1st time that my bro celebrated it with us.Normally since he got married,the 1st day of raya,he is at my sis-in-law hometown..This year all my nieces beraya at KL..n my latest niece,baby Awal is sooo kawaii..
N the day before yesterday,there was an 'hari raya' open house for my batch..Happy to see everybody since all of us are not in the same class anymore..Arigatou to all of u for cooking for us..N next also will be another open house at my batchmates house..My home also will having the open house..sadly i can't go bac to Msia...
The hari raya feeling when i was a kid, i can't feel it nowadays...Dunno why, can sumbody answer that??The day will be gone as usual..How i missed my good old days..
My mental emosional will be over this week..I love this module..As i love to know what are people thinking about...N what's hurt for me is although i know what people around me thinking,n i want to change their mindset for their own good, i still doing nothing...It's hard to change a mindset n it's hurt to see things keep repeating the same..How i wish the braveness spirit come into myself...N how can i fulfill my resolution this year..
'It doesn't matter if we do a simple thing, but what is important is we do our best for it and so we'll not regreting it later'
So long,jaa~
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