Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2 you...

In the name of Allah,

to you

that i've known years ago

that i shared my laugh together
demo sa, ima doko?

to you
that ima, i dun know how are you
even YOU are here

try to find a way to talk to you

dakedo, ima wa, hen da yo ne?

really want to be like those times
i am with you

no worries

no boundries

so close yet so far away...

those days when i was with you



to you
gomen ne..
for everything that i did to you

gomen ne..
for being like that to you
really, i didn't meant them

really want to be like the first time
i knew you
coz there, i would not hurt you hard


really want to befriends with you
because of HIM
gomen ne
hontouni gomenasai you...
You know who you are...


Friday, October 15, 2010

sekelip mata...


'Allah bertanya: "Berapa tahunkah lamanya kamu tinggal di bumi?" Mereka menjawab: "Kami tinggal (di bumi) sehari atau setengah hari, maka tanyakanlah kepada orang-orang yang menghitung. Allah berfirman: "Kamu tidak tinggal (di bumi) melainkan sebentar saja, kalau kamu sesungguhnya mengetahui'
(23: 112-114)

“ Dua kenikmatan yang banyak dilalaikan umatku yaitu kesehatan dan kesempatan “
hadis riwayat Bukhari, Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah

Kenapa kita diberi waktu tua?
supaya kita merasai nikmat muda

Kenapa kita merasa akn kemiskinan?
supaya kita beringat di kala berbelanja

Kenapa kita diberi rasa sakit?
supaya kita tahu nikmat sihat

Kenapa kita diberi rasa lapang itu?
supaya kita menggunakannya sebelum sempit...

kenapa kita diberi 'hidup' ini???
adakah utk merasai sakitnya mati??

For me,it's not the answer...
Maybe it's becoz we are the chosen one to be the khalif n abid in this world...

So,mybe the answer is
Kita diberi dunia...hidup ini...untuk membina akhirat kita...

Segalanya yg Dia beri adalah kesempatan utk kita membina akhirat kita smpai saat yg ditentukan..

Muda...tua...kaya...miskin..sihat dan sakit,lapang dan miskin...semuanya adalah kesempatan...
Ada orang yg x sempat menjadi tua...
Ada orang yg x sempat kaya walau bertahun terus mencari 'kaya' itu
Ada orang yg akn terus terusan sakit...

Gunalah kesempatan yg kita ada segalanya untuk membina akhirat kita, utk mendekatkan diri padaNya...Jgn sampai satu ketika Allah tidak mahu berbicara pun dgn kita disana nnt...Kecewa dgn hamba yg jauh dariNya walau segala nikmat diberi..Sesungguhnyya Dialah yg Maha Mengetahui, Maha pengasih dan penyayang

'...Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui'

Dakara, akirametakunai...Ya Allah,kuatkanlah aku....

-Al-Fatihah buat yg telah pergi-


Monday, October 4, 2010

Habis suda...


It's quite a long time for me to find a way to write here...Happy Eid Mubarak to all...Alhamdulillah that i finished my Syawal Fasting...i've started my KKD (skill lab) n just past Radiology...Alhamdulillah..Now i'm gonna miss Dr. Kris n others n the place..Happened to luv that place so much^^...i took the repeat..Not much to say about it but sure, radiology is Best coz i luv to read x-ray..hee...

celebrated Syawal at home is so much luv..this year got a big duet raye..huhu...Going bac n then to relatives house n sadly missed things at Msia...I got a yummy Msia burger at my bro's home...he want to take my to McD but..'McD kt Indo pon leh cariklaaa'.....hee...Then i ate tau fu fa (since i can't make it here).. Oishii!!! Called abang n others..really miss them..wanna see them...Thinking that they're getting bigger, i can't accept it... mybe that is what my mom felt that we still a kid that everything must happened according to her..for raising us up, hontouni arigatou,ka-chan...

next month,my sis-in-law will deliver n in Jan,my sis will deliver..I'm so xcited to see n welcome my new babies.. i even dreamt of them^^ Hope that they will raise up in Islam...Amin...

Is so difficult..
Can't smile thinking of it...
Can't even do things to change it..
N it's not in man's hand...
n maybe going nuts is not impossible...

what make us different is the BELIEVE...
Can't find the solution as it is not us that hold others...
N it's not our right to do it in the first place...

How tough we will walk this jinsei?
How strong us to believe in Him?
How are we gonna to face them?

Can't find a way..
Won't somebody found it?
Michi de aruite...
It's not in my hand

Some thing to do..Dakara, fullstop here..

